closer-devel Digest, Vol 56, Issue 3
Dan Lentz
2012-03-18 19:23:40 UTC
wow, this is a really helpful example as I have recently been stumbling
about the problem of introducing a persistent subclass of layered-class
(specifically on top of the dstm transactional layered class example that I
found floating around and the associated paper by pascal.) Is this
something that might be valuable to annotate a bit and include in the
contextl distro as an additional example?

contextl seems to be the answer to a number of questions regarding how to
combine meta class behaviors, but the biggest problem I have run into is
the sparseness of the papers and examples with regards to learning how to
model solutions based on layered class architectures. This seems like a
useful addition?

Message: 1
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 17:10:11 +0100
From: Pascal Costanza <***@p-cos.net>
To: Paul Sexton <***@gmail.com>
Cc: closer-***@common-lisp.net
Subject: Re: [closer-devel] ContextL: allow other keys in
(re)initialize-instance methods for metaclasses
Message-ID: <4B1FC6C3-FAD1-4DAF-BA50-***@p-cos.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi Paul,

Thanks a lot again for reporting this problem. This uncovered a conceptual
omission in the meta-level architecture of ContextL. Fortunately, it was
easy to fix.

Background: Layered classes need to be split into a "base" class that gives
identity to a particular layered class, plus all the partial definitions
that belong to the various layers. The base class refers to the partial
classes making up its definition by way of direct superclass links. All of
this is set up in the partial-class metaclass. There needs to be a
separation of initargs, some of which need to be routed to the base class
(such as the name of the class, the defining metaclass and the direct
superclass links), and the others need to go to the various partial
definitions (such as direct slot definitions, for example).

The problem you uncovered was that this separation into base and partial
initargs was hardcoded, and there was no way to configure this in one's own
subclasses of partial-class and layered-class.

I have now introduced a generic function partial-class-base-initargs (with
method combination 'append) on which methods can be defined that extend the
initargs that need to go to the base class. Here is how it can be used to
make the serializable layered class example work:

(in-package :contextl-user)

(defclass serializable-class (standard-class)
((database :initarg :database)))

(defclass combined-class (layered-class serializable-class)

(defmethod validate-superclass ((class combined-class) (superclass

(defmethod partial-class-base-initargs append ((class combined-class))

(defclass try ()
(:metaclass combined-class)
(:database . "mydb"))

(finalize-inheritance (find-class 'try))

(assert (string= (slot-value (find-class 'try) 'database) "mydb"))

(assert (loop for class in (rest (class-precedence-list (find-class 'try)))
never (slot-exists-p class 'database)))

This is now also part of the test suite for ContextL.

The changes are in the darcs repository for ContextL. Please let me know if
this helps for your particular case, or if there are still missing problems.


On 16 Mar 2012, at 01:32, Paul Sexton wrote:

Thanks -- I have figured out how to stop the error from occurring, but

I now have a different problem: the initargs for classes other than

layered-class seem to get ignored and do not result in values being

stored in the class' slots.

Here is a simple example.


(use-package :closer-mop)

(defclass serializable-class (standard-class)

((database :initarg :database)))

(defclass dummy-class (standard-class)


;; "layered serializable" metaclass

(defclass combined-class1 (contextl:layered-class serializable-class)


;; another metaclass for comparison. Only difference is it inherits

from dummy-class instead of layered-class.

(defclass combined-class2 (dummy-class serializable-class)


(defmethod validate-superclass ((class combined-class1) (superclass



(defmethod validate-superclass ((class combined-class2) (superclass



;; Trying to create a class that uses serializable-class as its metaclass

;; the error "invalid initialisation argument :DATABASE"

(defclass try1 ()


(:metaclass combined-class1)

(:database . "mydb"))

;; So we define the following methods to disable checking of initargs...

(defmethod initialize-instance :around ((c combined-class1) &rest args)

(if (next-method-p)

(apply #'call-next-method c :allow-other-keys t args)))

(defmethod reinitialize-instance :around ((c combined-class1) &rest args)

(if (next-method-p)

(apply #'call-next-method c :allow-other-keys t args)))

;; Now (defclass try1) works ... but 'database' slot of the resulting

class is unbound.

;; In contrast, if we define basically the same :around methods for

;; combined-class2:

(defmethod initialize-instance :around ((c combined-class2) &rest args)

(if (next-method-p)

(apply #'call-next-method c :allow-other-keys t args)))

(defmethod reinitialize-instance :around ((c combined-class2) &rest args)

(if (next-method-p)

(apply #'call-next-method c :allow-other-keys t args)))

;; ...And create a class with class2 as its metaclass...

(defclass try2 ()


(:metaclass combined-class2)

(:database . "mydb"))

;; Then this works. The resulting class has its :database slot correctly

;; bound to the value "mydb"

The most obvious explanation is that contextl is somehow discarding

keyword args that it does not recognise, preventing them from being

seen by other initialisation methods. Is there an alternative

explanation I am missing?

On 16 March 2012 07:59, Pascal Costanza <***@p-cos.net> wrote:

Hi Paul,

I'm hesitating to make such a change, because it would weaken checking
initialization arguments for validity.

Under normal circumstances, it is possible to make more initialization
arguments valid for subclasses. See Section 7.1.2 of the HyperSpec. This
also applies to metaobject classes. If for some reason this doesn't work
for you, I would like to know about it and see whether something needs to
be fixed. Please send some example, and some information which CL
implementation you are using to test this.


P.S.: I'm curious to hear about what you use ContextL for, and what you are
adding in your subclasses. If you prefer, please feel free to contact me by
private email on this. Thanks.

On 14 Mar 2012, at 21:56, Paul Sexton wrote:


At present the metaclasses in contextl choke during initialisation if

they are passed keys that they do not recognise. This makes it very

difficult to create metaclasses derived from those classes, if the

derived metaclasses need to be passed their own arguments a la


Including &allow-other-keys in the argument lists for

(re)initialize-instance in cx-classes-in-layer.lisp and

cx-layer-metaclasses.lisp seems to fix this, and doesn't seem to have

any downsides. Would you consider making this change?




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Pascal Costanza


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Pascal Costanza


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End of closer-devel Digest, Vol 56, Issue 3
Pascal Costanza
2012-03-18 21:57:54 UTC

Unfortunately, there is only so much time I can afford to invest in this. Although I agree more documentation would be definitely very useful, I can only do very little in that direction right now.

Please feel free to ask questions, though, I can easily be lured into thinking about interesting ones. ;)

Closer-devel is a good mailing list for such questions, as is the pro mailing list at http://lists.common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pro - which may be more appropriate, depending on use case. (I follow both lists.)

wow, this is a really helpful example as I have recently been stumbling about the problem of introducing a persistent subclass of layered-class (specifically on top of the dstm transactional layered class example that I found floating around and the associated paper by pascal.) Is this something that might be valuable to annotate a bit and include in the contextl distro as an additional example?
contextl seems to be the answer to a number of questions regarding how to combine meta class behaviors, but the biggest problem I have run into is the sparseness of the papers and examples with regards to learning how to model solutions based on layered class architectures. This seems like a useful addition?
Post by Dan Lentz
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 17:10:11 +0100
Subject: Re: [closer-devel] ContextL: allow other keys in
(re)initialize-instance methods for metaclasses
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Hi Paul,
Thanks a lot again for reporting this problem. This uncovered a conceptual omission in the meta-level architecture of ContextL. Fortunately, it was easy to fix.
Background: Layered classes need to be split into a "base" class that gives identity to a particular layered class, plus all the partial definitions that belong to the various layers. The base class refers to the partial classes making up its definition by way of direct superclass links. All of this is set up in the partial-class metaclass. There needs to be a separation of initargs, some of which need to be routed to the base class (such as the name of the class, the defining metaclass and the direct superclass links), and the others need to go to the various partial definitions (such as direct slot definitions, for example).
The problem you uncovered was that this separation into base and partial initargs was hardcoded, and there was no way to configure this in one's own subclasses of partial-class and layered-class.
(in-package :contextl-user)
(defclass serializable-class (standard-class)
((database :initarg :database)))
(defclass combined-class (layered-class serializable-class)
(defmethod validate-superclass ((class combined-class) (superclass standard-class))
(defmethod partial-class-base-initargs append ((class combined-class))
(defclass try ()
(:metaclass combined-class)
(:database . "mydb"))
(finalize-inheritance (find-class 'try))
(assert (string= (slot-value (find-class 'try) 'database) "mydb"))
(assert (loop for class in (rest (class-precedence-list (find-class 'try)))
never (slot-exists-p class 'database)))
This is now also part of the test suite for ContextL.
The changes are in the darcs repository for ContextL. Please let me know if this helps for your particular case, or if there are still missing problems.
Post by Dan Lentz
Thanks -- I have figured out how to stop the error from occurring, but
I now have a different problem: the initargs for classes other than
layered-class seem to get ignored and do not result in values being
stored in the class' slots.
Here is a simple example.
(use-package :closer-mop)
(defclass serializable-class (standard-class)
((database :initarg :database)))
(defclass dummy-class (standard-class)
;; "layered serializable" metaclass
(defclass combined-class1 (contextl:layered-class serializable-class)
;; another metaclass for comparison. Only difference is it inherits
from dummy-class instead of layered-class.
(defclass combined-class2 (dummy-class serializable-class)
(defmethod validate-superclass ((class combined-class1) (superclass
(defmethod validate-superclass ((class combined-class2) (superclass
;; Trying to create a class that uses serializable-class as its metaclass causes
;; the error "invalid initialisation argument :DATABASE"
(defclass try1 ()
(:metaclass combined-class1)
(:database . "mydb"))
;; So we define the following methods to disable checking of initargs...
(defmethod initialize-instance :around ((c combined-class1) &rest args)
(if (next-method-p)
(apply #'call-next-method c :allow-other-keys t args)))
(defmethod reinitialize-instance :around ((c combined-class1) &rest args)
(if (next-method-p)
(apply #'call-next-method c :allow-other-keys t args)))
;; Now (defclass try1) works ... but 'database' slot of the resulting
class is unbound.
;; In contrast, if we define basically the same :around methods for
(defmethod initialize-instance :around ((c combined-class2) &rest args)
(if (next-method-p)
(apply #'call-next-method c :allow-other-keys t args)))
(defmethod reinitialize-instance :around ((c combined-class2) &rest args)
(if (next-method-p)
(apply #'call-next-method c :allow-other-keys t args)))
;; ...And create a class with class2 as its metaclass...
(defclass try2 ()
(:metaclass combined-class2)
(:database . "mydb"))
;; Then this works. The resulting class has its :database slot correctly
;; bound to the value "mydb"
The most obvious explanation is that contextl is somehow discarding
keyword args that it does not recognise, preventing them from being
seen by other initialisation methods. Is there an alternative
explanation I am missing?
Post by Dan Lentz
Hi Paul,
I'm hesitating to make such a change, because it would weaken checking initialization arguments for validity.
Under normal circumstances, it is possible to make more initialization arguments valid for subclasses. See Section 7.1.2 of the HyperSpec. This also applies to metaobject classes. If for some reason this doesn't work for you, I would like to know about it and see whether something needs to be fixed. Please send some example, and some information which CL implementation you are using to test this.
P.S.: I'm curious to hear about what you use ContextL for, and what you are adding in your subclasses. If you prefer, please feel free to contact me by private email on this. Thanks.
Post by Dan Lentz
At present the metaclasses in contextl choke during initialisation if
they are passed keys that they do not recognise. This makes it very
difficult to create metaclasses derived from those classes, if the
derived metaclasses need to be passed their own arguments a la
Including &allow-other-keys in the argument lists for
(re)initialize-instance in cx-classes-in-layer.lisp and
cx-layer-metaclasses.lisp seems to fix this, and doesn't seem to have
any downsides. Would you consider making this change?
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Pascal Costanza
closer-devel mailing list
Pascal Costanza
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End of closer-devel Digest, Vol 56, Issue 3
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Pascal Costanza
