Pascal Costanza
2010-02-02 19:18:11 UTC
Some small changes are in the repository since of today:
+ I have removed dynamic-extent declarations throughout all the libraries. It turns out that my mental model of dynamic extent declarations was wrong and I used it too liberal. This is fixed now. It shouldn't have created too many problems, but I indeed got bugs occasionally, so I think it's safer this way.
+ In some performance experiments I made it turned out that special classes with special slots slow down initialization of objects a lot. The main reason is that I have to define a replacement of the standard shared-initialize functionality, and that is simply too slow. It seems to me that special slots are used rarely, so I just added a configuration option to not inherit from special-class in layered-class, such that define-layered-class doesn't automatically incorporate the special slots functionality. See contextl.asd for details how to switch that optimization on. I'd be interested to hear whether this indeed buys you anything.
+ I also added a slight performance improvement for (general) slot accesses in LispWorks in Closer to MOP.
Some small changes are in the repository since of today:
+ I have removed dynamic-extent declarations throughout all the libraries. It turns out that my mental model of dynamic extent declarations was wrong and I used it too liberal. This is fixed now. It shouldn't have created too many problems, but I indeed got bugs occasionally, so I think it's safer this way.
+ In some performance experiments I made it turned out that special classes with special slots slow down initialization of objects a lot. The main reason is that I have to define a replacement of the standard shared-initialize functionality, and that is simply too slow. It seems to me that special slots are used rarely, so I just added a configuration option to not inherit from special-class in layered-class, such that define-layered-class doesn't automatically incorporate the special slots functionality. See contextl.asd for details how to switch that optimization on. I'd be interested to hear whether this indeed buys you anything.
+ I also added a slight performance improvement for (general) slot accesses in LispWorks in Closer to MOP.
Pascal Costanza, mailto:***,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Software Languages Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium
Pascal Costanza, mailto:***,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Software Languages Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium