Pascal Costanza
2009-11-21 16:33:42 UTC
Major reorganization of the code, plus support for generic function invocation protocols in Allegro Common Lisp.
A major reorganization of the code became necessary, because the old structure became harder than necessary to maintain. I have now moved code that is similar across many Common Lisp implementations into a shared source code file, and leave only small parts to implementation-dependent source code files. The setup of packages is combined into one file, and all relevant symbols are now exported from the packages, including symbols that may not have any definitions in some Common Lisp implementations. To further simplify things, I have moved source code from subfolders into the main folder, to avoid hierarchy creep.
Finally, Allegro Common Lisp now also supports the full generic function invocation protocols. This means that filtered functions now also work there. However, please ensure that the newest patches for Allegro 8.1 are installed and loaded!
Major reorganization of the code, plus support for generic function invocation protocols in Allegro Common Lisp.
A major reorganization of the code became necessary, because the old structure became harder than necessary to maintain. I have now moved code that is similar across many Common Lisp implementations into a shared source code file, and leave only small parts to implementation-dependent source code files. The setup of packages is combined into one file, and all relevant symbols are now exported from the packages, including symbols that may not have any definitions in some Common Lisp implementations. To further simplify things, I have moved source code from subfolders into the main folder, to avoid hierarchy creep.
Finally, Allegro Common Lisp now also supports the full generic function invocation protocols. This means that filtered functions now also work there. However, please ensure that the newest patches for Allegro 8.1 are installed and loaded!
Pascal Costanza, mailto:***,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Software Languages Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium
Pascal Costanza, mailto:***,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Software Languages Lab
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium