Marco Antoniotti
2008-07-13 10:22:03 UTC
I am writing here because this may be the place closest to some of the
issue I would like to raise (slowly!) with some of the typing issues
in CL.
Consider the following (contrived) example
(defstruct node
(left nil :type (or null arc))
(right nil :type (or null arc)))
(defstruct arc
(source nil :type (or null node))
(sink nil :type (or null node)))
At least on LW, compiling the snippet the first time raises the
following warning
;;;*** Warning in (SUBFUNCTION MAKE-NODE (STRUCTURE NODE)): Ignoring
type declaration with illegal type (OR NULL ARC)
;;;*** Warning in (SUBFUNCTION MAKE-NODE (STRUCTURE NODE)): Ignoring
type declaration with illegal type (OR NULL ARC)
There seem to be no way in CL to make a "forward" type declaration.
So, the questions I raise are two.
1 - which would be the best forum (:if-exists :use-it :if-does-not-
exist :do-not-use-c.l.l.-yet) where to have this discussion?
2 - where would you look in the ANSI spec for places where various
clauses needs to be changed or removed to make recursive types "CDR-
I am writing here because this may be the place closest to some of the
issue I would like to raise (slowly!) with some of the typing issues
in CL.
Consider the following (contrived) example
(defstruct node
(left nil :type (or null arc))
(right nil :type (or null arc)))
(defstruct arc
(source nil :type (or null node))
(sink nil :type (or null node)))
At least on LW, compiling the snippet the first time raises the
following warning
;;;*** Warning in (SUBFUNCTION MAKE-NODE (STRUCTURE NODE)): Ignoring
type declaration with illegal type (OR NULL ARC)
;;;*** Warning in (SUBFUNCTION MAKE-NODE (STRUCTURE NODE)): Ignoring
type declaration with illegal type (OR NULL ARC)
There seem to be no way in CL to make a "forward" type declaration.
So, the questions I raise are two.
1 - which would be the best forum (:if-exists :use-it :if-does-not-
exist :do-not-use-c.l.l.-yet) where to have this discussion?
2 - where would you look in the ANSI spec for places where various
clauses needs to be changed or removed to make recursive types "CDR-